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On Friday, 1 December, the conditions for connection to the gas transmission network came into force upon the decision of the management of Elering, the united electricity and gas transmission system operator. Together with the conditions, the methodology for calculating the connection fee and the charge for changing consumption and production conditions also came into effect.

Until now, there were no standard conditions regulating connection to the gas transmission network. The connection conditions that have been introduced will streamline the process, set out the technical requirements and procedural steps, and ensure that the procedure is fair and transparent.

The connection conditions deal with connections by both consumers and producers, whose interest in Elering’s gas transmission network connection conditions has grown year by year. One of Elering’s current largest investment projects, Balticconnector, the Estonia-Finland gas interconnection scheduled to be completed in 2020, will reinvigorate the gas market and encourage new entrants into the market.

According to the current Natural Gas Act, the methodology for calculating the charge has been approved by the Competition Board; there is no obligation under the law for the Board to approve the connection conditions.

More information on the gas network connection conditions and methodology for calculating the connection charge is available on the Elering website.


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