17.09.2024 10:31
Elektrisüsteemi bilansi tagamise (tasakaalustamise) eeskirjad
276125 KBElering is seeking feedback on the principles for intra-hour regulation of the Estonia electricity system (available only in Estonian), which have been prepared based on §39(1)3¹ of the Electricity Market Act. The consulted principles reflect the changes that will take place in the balancing of the electricity system following the implementation of the pan-European manual frequency restoration reserve (mFRR) platform MARI on October 9, 2024, and the pan-European automatic frequency restoration reserve (aFRR) platform PICASSO in January 2025, and will remain in force until the synchronization of the Baltic electricity system with the Continental European frequency area. Additionally, the rules set out the principles for the use of resources owned by Elering in balancing the electricity system.
We kindly ask market participants to provide their opinions no later than September 27, 2024, via email to [email protected] or [email protected].
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