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According to the operating principles of the electricity market ,each market participant must ensure that the quantity of electricity given into or purchased from the grid in each trading period is equal to the quantity of electricity taken from or sold into the grid.

In practice, market participants are not able to do this for every hour. Therefore, each participant must have a contract with a supplier to ensure that shortfalls of electricity are covered and excess electricity is purchased. This system is called open supply. The open supplier, who has an open supply contract with the Transmission System Operator, is called a balance responsible party.

The following balance responsible parties are operating in the Estonian electricity market:

The open supply contract between the balance responsible party and the TSO is called a balance agreement. The standard terms and conditions of this agreement are publicly disclosed and are the same for all balance responsible parties. The balance agreement consists of the rules for balance service and the conditions for the purchase and sale of imbalance energy.

Attached down below you can find the complete list of all the open suppliers participating in the Estonian electricity market. More information on the balance agreement could be found here:

The TSO uses reserve capacity to compensate for any intra-hour deviations from the balance caused by network disruption or changes in planned generation or consumption. Emergency reserves and regulation agreements are agreed upon between the Estonian TSO and power plants and neighboring TSOs offering such services (in order to ensure the balance).

The following companies are operating as balancing service providers in Estonia:

In order for the balancing service provider to start offering this service, a balancing service agreement must be concluded with the TSO. More information on the balancing service agreement could be found here:

Marie Kalmet

[email protected]