07.01.2020 13:24
Grid operators
24 KBAccording to the Electricity Market Act, all data exchange processes in the Estonian open electricity market take place via the data exchange platform, which must ensure the principles of efficient and equal treatment of market participants in data exchange processes.
In order to ensure electricity market participants’ freedom of action and the efficiency of the electricity market, parties must exchange different types of information. This encompasses the importance of equal treatment of market participants in data exchange and a clear division of market participants’ roles.
The Data Hub system consists of software and hardware solutions where data exchange between market participants is managed, electricity supplier exchange processes are supported in the market, and measurement data is stored.
In the Data Hub, market participants operating in the Estonian electricity market are encoded, as well as measuring points measuring electricity flows between participants. Encoding gives a basis for market participants’ rights, as well as defining supply chains.
The Data Hub information system ensures principles of equal treatment, taking into account for this the right for market participants to equal access to electricity consumption data and quick supplier exchange procedures. This makes the data exchange procedure and access to data, as well as data hub service use rights/obligations for market participants simple and comprehensible. The network operator must ensure measurement, collection, control and accuracy of measurement data.
Via Client Portal (https://estfeed.elering.ee/) all consumers and producers have access to their own meter data. In addition, market participants can view agreement deadlines, suppliers and EIC-codes for metering points connected to the consumer. The Data Hub is administered by Elering as an independent transmission system operator.
In order to identify the processes, objects and participant of common European energy market the ENTSO-E have developed a coding system EIC (Energy Identification Coding). The goal of this system is to guarantee harmonized electronic data exchange with the market participants acting in different markets (e.g. electricity and gas or in different geographical markets) and the system operators (TSO-s) having to exchange data with other TSO-s as well as with the market participants themselves. Therefore the coding scheme allows to code different entities in the energy market: market participants (system operators, consumers, grid operators etc.), resources (production units, LNG terminals etc.), measuring points etc.
The coding is managed on two levels:
EIC codes consist of 16 characters – English alphanumeric capitals (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and minus-signs (-):
As a LIO for Estonia Elering issues EIC codes relevant for the Estonian energy market:
EIC codes relevant for Estonia can be found in the Files section of this page. All EIC codes relevant for the whole European common energy market are available on ENTSO-E web page.
Only EIC codes published in the CIO or LIO websites are to be considered as valid EIC codes.
The Local Issuing Office assume no responsibility or liability for the accuracy and the completeness of the information provided by an entity requesting an EIC code. In no event shall a Local Issuing Office be liable for any damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information provided by an entity requesting an EIC code.
The Estonian Data Hub system is a software/hardware solution that manages the exchange of electricity metering data between market participants, supports the process of changing electricity suppliers in the market, and archives the metering data of electricity consumption. The Estonian Data Hub assigns codes to market participants who operate on Estonian electricity market. It also codes all metering points which are needed in order to track the transfer of energy between market participants. Code assignment provides basis for defining the rights of the market participants, and helps to track the supply chains.
User access to the Estonian Data Hub is granted to grid operators, open suppliers, line operators and producers (who need to distinguish their electricity production due to the Electriclty Market Act) operating in Estonia. To use the Data Hub Live system, the party must sign a Data Hub user contract. The technical guide is an inseparable enclosure to the contract. Please find both attached below.
Frequently asked questions and answers to the questions are available on e-elering web page.
In order to identify the processes, objects and participant of common European energy market the ENTSO-E have developed a coding system EIC (Energy Identification Coding). The goal of this system is to guarantee harmonized electronic data exchange with the market participants acting in different markets (e.g. electricity and gas or in different geographical markets) and the system operators (TSO-s) having to exchange data with other TSO-s as well as with the market participants themselves. Therefore the coding scheme allows to code different entities in the energy market: market participants (system operators, consumers, grid operators etc.), resources (production units, LNG terminals etc.), measuring points etc.
The coding is managed on two levels:
EIC codes consist of 16 characters – English alphanumeric capitals (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and minus-signs (-):
As a LIO for Estonia Elering issues EIC codes relevant for the Estonian energy market:
EIC codes relevant for Estonia can be found in the Files section of this page. All EIC codes relevant for the whole European common energy market are available on ENTSO-E web page.
Only EIC codes published in the CIO or LIO websites are to be considered as valid EIC codes.
The Local Issuing Office assume no responsibility or liability for the accuracy and the completeness of the information provided by an entity requesting an EIC code. In no event shall a Local Issuing Office be liable for any damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information provided by an entity requesting an EIC code.
The Estonian Data Hub system is a software/hardware solution that manages the exchange of electricity metering data between market participants, supports the process of changing electricity suppliers in the market, and archives the metering data of electricity consumption. The Estonian Data Hub assigns codes to market participants who operate on Estonian electricity market. It also codes all metering points which are needed in order to track the transfer of energy between market participants. Code assignment provides basis for defining the rights of the market participants, and helps to track the supply chains.
User access to the Estonian Data Hub is granted to grid operators, open suppliers, line operators and producers (who need to distinguish their electricity production due to the Electriclty Market Act) operating in Estonia. To use the Data Hub Live system, the party must sign a Data Hub user contract. The technical guide is an inseparable enclosure to the contract. Please find both attached below.
Frequently asked questions and answers to the questions are available on e-elering web page.
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