Regulatory documents
Connecting to the power grid is governed by legal acts: the Electricity Market Act, Government of the Republic regulations entitled “Võrgueeskiri“ (Grid Code) and “Elektrisüsteemi toimimise võrgueeskiri“ (Grid Code on the functioning of the electricity system) and European Commission regulations:
- European Commission regulation no. 2016/631 (Requirements for Generators, hereinafter RfG) .
- European Commission regulation no. 2016/1388 (Demand Connection Code, hereinafter DCC).
- European Commission regulation no 2016/1447 (Requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems and direct current-connected power park modules, hereinafter HVDC).
Connecting to the power grid proceeds from the Standardized terms and conditions for connecting to Elering’s national transmission system and the Methodology for calculating connection fee for the Elering AS electricity transmission system.