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Elering plans its investments based on the general public interest in ensuring the technical operation of the electricity system, the security of supply and the requirements of a functioning electricity market.


Investments 1010-2023, M€


(click on the picture to see it bigger)

Investments 2010-2023


Elering's investment goals:

  • Investments supporting security of supply;
  • Investments supporting the development of the electricity market (interconnections);
  • Ensuring sufficient capacity to allow for new connections and load growth;
  • Stopping the aging of the system;
  • Improving reliability (voltage quality and outages);
  • Increasing company efficiency, reducing losses;
  • Connecting new clients (consumers, producers).

The creation of the investment budget is a justified selection of investment objects, based on necessity, economic viability, and compliance with the Electricity Market Act and other legislation.

Defining priority investments involves the creation of technological and economic justifications, as well as a ranking table of substations and power lines that require renovation. Elering contributes significantly to the improvement of the security of supply and quality of electricity across Estonia.