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SECURITY OF SUPPLY in a climate-neutral way, supporting the competitiveness of the Estonian economy.



Keep the lights on and the rooms warm in Estonia.



  • Responsibility

We feel that our responsibility to society is ensuring electricity and gas supplies in an economically efficient way. A well-functioning energy market where market participants are treated equally is the best path towards ensuring the security of supply. We value each employee’s contribution – this helps us perform our duties to the society at a high level.

  • Dedication

There is a client behind every activity performed at Elering. We are committed to creating value for our clients and our clients’ clients. We create value for our clients by combining the longstanding experience of our people with the latest knowledge. This is how we offer the best solutions in the energy sector.

  • Openness

The energy system is undergoing a rapid change. Elering is dynamic and open to changes. We create new opportunities and support innovation in the energy sector. Readiness for changes begins with our people. To lead the way for changes, we value everyone’s initiative, creativity, and wish to evolve.

Karl Kivinurm

Strategy Manager

+372 715 1330

[email protected]