16.01.2023 16:35
Public Consultation on the Amendments to the Common Regulations for the Use of Natural Gas Transmission System
548 KBElering ja Conexus on alustanud Eesti-Läti gaasitsooni ühiste võrgulepingu tüüptingimuste muudatuse avalikku konsultatsiooni.
Tüüptingimuste muudatuse eesmärk on 19.12.2022 vastu võtud Euroopa Komisjoni määruse 2022/2576 artikkel 14 toodud nõuete täitmine.
Ootame turuosaliste tagasisidet (inglise keeles) kuni 22.02.2023. Palume tagasiside saata capacity@conexus.lv või Airi.Noor@elering.ee.
Elering submitted to the public consultation the ten-year development plan of the Estonian gas transmission network for the period 2023-2032, which provides an overview of the investments made in the gas transmission network, development plans, and the security of gas supply in Estonia.
All market participants were able to familiarize themselves with the development plan and give feedback. The deadline for giving feedback was no later than 12.02.2023 by e-mail to Kristen.Tammerand@elering.ee.
The document provides an overview of the parameters of the aFRR standard product (i.e. the definitions to which the service provided by market participants must meet), the processes related to the submission, activation, and clarification of offers, and the roadmap for joining the pan-European aFRR market platform, i.e. the PICASSO platform.
The package of materials for public consultation includes the following two (2) documents:
We ask market participants to express their opinion no later than 16:30 on December 15, 2022, by filling in the attached feedback form. Please submit your feedback in English. Please send the completed feedback form to the e-mail address: kristofer.vare@elering.ee.
The Baltic system operators (AS Augstsprieguma tīkls, Elering AS and Litgrid AB) submit proposals for public consultation on a capacity market based on frequency reserves.
We ask market participants to express their opinion no later than November 20, 2022, by filling out the attached feedback form. Please submit your feedback in English. Please send the completed feedback form to the e-mail address: kristofer.vare@elering.ee.
Elering and Conexus have started a public consultation on the amendment of the standard conditions of the joint network agreement of the Estonian-Latvian gas zone.
The change in the standard conditions is related to the ban on the import of natural gas from Russia by both Estonia and Latvia.
We are waiting for feedback from market participants until 18.11.2022. Please send feedback to Ance.Ansone@conexus.lv and Hardi.Koduvere@elering.ee.
Elering ja Conexus on alustanud Eesti-Läti gaasitsooni ühiste võrgulepingu tüüptingimuste muudatuse avalikku konsultatsiooni.
Tüüptingimuste muudatuse eesmärk on 19.12.2022 vastu võtud Euroopa Komisjoni määruse 2022/2576 artikkel 14 toodud nõuete täitmine.
Ootame turuosaliste tagasisidet (inglise keeles) kuni 22.02.2023. Palume tagasiside saata capacity@conexus.lv või Airi.Noor@elering.ee.
Elering submitted to the public consultation the ten-year development plan of the Estonian gas transmission network for the period 2023-2032, which provides an overview of the investments made in the gas transmission network, development plans, and the security of gas supply in Estonia.
All market participants were able to familiarize themselves with the development plan and give feedback. The deadline for giving feedback was no later than 12.02.2023 by e-mail to Kristen.Tammerand@elering.ee.
The document provides an overview of the parameters of the aFRR standard product (i.e. the definitions to which the service provided by market participants must meet), the processes related to the submission, activation, and clarification of offers, and the roadmap for joining the pan-European aFRR market platform, i.e. the PICASSO platform.
The package of materials for public consultation includes the following two (2) documents:
We ask market participants to express their opinion no later than 16:30 on December 15, 2022, by filling in the attached feedback form. Please submit your feedback in English. Please send the completed feedback form to the e-mail address: kristofer.vare@elering.ee.
The Baltic system operators (AS Augstsprieguma tīkls, Elering AS and Litgrid AB) submit proposals for public consultation on a capacity market based on frequency reserves.
We ask market participants to express their opinion no later than November 20, 2022, by filling out the attached feedback form. Please submit your feedback in English. Please send the completed feedback form to the e-mail address: kristofer.vare@elering.ee.
Elering and Conexus have started a public consultation on the amendment of the standard conditions of the joint network agreement of the Estonian-Latvian gas zone.
The change in the standard conditions is related to the ban on the import of natural gas from Russia by both Estonia and Latvia.
We are waiting for feedback from market participants until 18.11.2022. Please send feedback to Ance.Ansone@conexus.lv and Hardi.Koduvere@elering.ee.
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