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Elering and Conexus have started a public consultation on the amendment of the standard conditions of the joint network agreement of the Estonian-Latvian gas zone.

The change in the standard conditions is related to the ban on the import of natural gas from Russia by both Estonia and Latvia.

We are waiting for feedback from market participants until 18.11.2022. Please send feedback to [email protected] and [email protected].


Pursuant to Article 53 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (hereinafter – EB GL), all transmission system operators are required to implement 15 minute imbalance settlement period (hereinafter – ISP).

Elering and Energy Authority Finland invite all stakeholders to take part in the public consultation for the parts of the Interconnection agreement that are relevant for external stakeholders, mainly for network users (shippers) based on INT NC article 4 section 1.

The TSOs of Estonia and Latvia have worked together and in co-operation with Lithuanian and Finnish TSOs to draft Common Network rules and Common Balancing rules to be applied in the common zone starting from 2020.

These rules have been drafted to be applicable in the common entry-exit system consisting of Estonia and Latvia.

We are seeking input from stakeholders and market participants on this important feature of the Baltic CCR at the Estonia-Latvia Bidding Zone border level. TSOs of the Estonia – Latvia Bidding zone Border AS Elering and  AS “Augstsprieguma tikls" are initiating this open online consultation for a period of not less than one month. The proposal is subject to consultation in accordance with Article 6 of the Commission Regulation (EU) FCA Regulation.

Please find the consultation document on ENTSO-E's web page:

The results of the public consultation on the Baltic transmission system operators' position paper "Demand Response through Aggregation - a Harmonized Approach in the Baltic region"



The Baltic Gas Transmission System Operators (hereafter TSOs) AB Amber Grid, AS Conexus Baltic Grid and Elering AS under the umbrella of Regional Gas Market Coordination Group (RGMCG) hold common public consultation at an early stage and in an open and transparent manner on the “Principles for transmission capacity management in common Baltic gas market”, and the “Concept Model for the Coordinated Balancing Zone”.