Litgrid, Augstsprieguma tīkls, and Elering, the Baltic States electricity transmission system operators (TSOs), have launched the Baltic balancing capacity market. The new market will ensure reserve...
The European Commission has announced to allocate co-financing from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to cross-border energy infrastructure projects under the Trans-European Networks for Energy...
In 2024, Estonian power plants produced 3,398 gigawatt-hours of electricity from renewable sources, which accounted for 63 per cent of Estonia’s electricity production. For the first time in history...
Measurements conducted on Thursday by system operators Elering and Fingrid indicate that the fault in the EstLink 2 electricity connection between Estonia and Finland lies in the underwater section of...
Due to technical reasons, the launch of the automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) energy market in Estonia and the integration with the pan-European aFRR market (PICASSO), initially planned...
The transmission system operator Elering has notified the Data Protection Inspectorate of the company’s possible violation in the transmission of technical data related to electricity metering points...